Marine Field Trip Report In Dutungan Island And Paputo Beach

Hello guys...
So on this blog I will tell you about my experience during my trip in Barru Regency & Parepare City. Because this is my first blog, so I will introduce myself first. I am Dinda, a student majoring in Tour & Travel business at Makassar Tourism Polytechnic. Happy reading guys ..

The first day,
Friday, October 4, 2019.
We are gathering in front of orange building while the tour leader distributing the idcard and audio system guide. Then we left the Poltekpar campus at 07.00. Along the way we went to the island of Dutungan accompanied by some information by friends who got turn for guiding.

After 2 hours later, we arrived at Tanjung Indah Dock, then we crossed by boat to get to the dutungan island. After arriving at the dutungan island, we were given time to change clothes to do diving. After changing clothes we listened to some instructions or procedures for doing diving exercises properly by expert instructors. Then, we ate afternoon first before coming down to water. After lunch, we are welcome to dive according to the order of the group that has been determined. There are two types of water sports that are provided namely diving and snorkeling.

I had the opportunity to try both, and that was my first experience diving and snorkeling, I was very impressed with the natural beauty of under the sea in this dutungan island. There are some coral and some very beautiful fish species that I could see with my own eyes. After a few hours later, we were told to change our clothes to immediately continue the journey to the city parepare because it was late afternoon. On the way to the city of parepare, followed by a guiding by a friend who got a turn. after arriving at the hotel, we were given each room key, then given a short break and then immediately changed into batik clothes for dinner.

We had dinner at the Ayam Penyet Ria restaurant, the location was very close to the hotel so we just walked. Then after dinner, we continued the presentation session of assignments given previously by the tour leader in the hotel restaurant. Then followed by an entertaimen session where each group displays their respective talents. After the whole program was over, we were told to go back to our rooms to sleep.

The next day
Saturday, October 5, 2019.
We did a morning excercise in front of the hotel then walked around to see the beautiful city of Parepare in the morning and also we stopped at the monument of true love Habibie & Ainun. 

Then after a long walk, we returned to the hotel for breakfast. The food provided by the hotel is porridge, fried rice, bread, milk, tea, coffee. After all the students had breakfast. We returned to our room to pack and then proceed to Paputo Beach.

In paputo beach, we did observations and fun. There are some friends who sing while dancing to fill time and it's very fun. We enjoyed the beautiful beach of Paputo while snacking on fried bananas. And I also had time to capture a photo in the beauty of Paputo Beach. After a few hours, we returned to the bus to head to the Teras Empang restaurant for lunch. Here we are quite long and there are some friends who perform the dzuhur prayer. The food is very delicious.

After that, we returned to the bus to continue the journey back to the Makassar City. On the way home we were given a free program to sleep for a while. We arrived in Makassar precisely at Makassar Poltekpar at 17.00. Then do the absence and check the audio system guide so that no one is scattered. After that we went back to our homes.

In my opinion this is a very memorable 2 days and a very pleasant field trip among several previous field trips.

Thankyou poltekpar..


6 Responses so far.

  1. Dinda your Blog is Good but just write down freely dear like a story

  2. Unknown says:

    Luar biasa referensi nya😎😎 tourguide nya pun hebatt ..ditunggu referensi2 tmpt wisata lainnya

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